"The body is that mysterious and multifaceted phenomenon that seems always to accompany one'es awareness"- David Abram, 37
"By associative "empathy," the embodied subject comes to recognizse these other bodies as other centers of experience, other subjects."- David Abram, 37
"there is more to any thing, or to the world, than I myself can perceive at any moment."- David Abram, 39
Human interaction
Point of view
Expanding/shrinking Universe
Out of Body experience
Brain is the shell and soul is the nut
Shared pain
When I read the first half of this chapter, the first thing that struck me was; " the scientist never completely succeeds in making himself into a pure spectator of the world." It was the idea of a spectator. I was further intrigued by the ideas of interconnections making up most of our perception. I was struck by the idea that our world would grow infinitely smaller if we were the only person on the planet. This led me to think about extinction as well. Between perception, point-of-view and ideas of extinction what came to my mind most was the owl. Being it has a completely different perception and its ability to look all the way around makes its way of viewing unmatched. The great grey owl is a north american owl on the endangered list.
Great Grey Owl. Picture from http://onebigphoto.com/great-grey-owl/ |
"I am ashamed before the earth;
I am ashamed before the heavens;
I am ashamed before the dawn;
I am ashamed before the evening twilight;
I am ashamed before the blue sky
I am ashamed before the sun.
I am ashamed before that standing within me which speaks with me.
I am never out of sight.
Therefore I must tell the truth.
I hold my word tight to my breast."
pg 70
This poem/prayer really struct me. I had a hard time believing it was a Navajo adage. It seems to classically christian with the idea of having something be wrong with yourself naturally and by being watched. I strongly disagree with the idea that because "I am never out of sight" "Therefore I must tell the truth." Thats bullshit. Truth deserves to realized and always present. The idea of being watched or governed is not a good reason to be honest. I responded with how I feel.
I am proud I came from this earth;
I am blind to the heavens;
I am asleep before the dawn;
Before the evening twilight, I am.
I am enamored with the blue sky;
I am thankful for the sun;
I am what I see, and what I don't.
I can not experience anything honestly.
That option is gone.
I have never seen.
"Indeed, all truly meaningful speech is inherently creative, using established words in ways they have never quite been used before, and thus altering, ever so slightly, the whole webwork of the language."- Page84
When I initially read this passage the very first thing it reminded me of the word fag and a bit that Luis CK did. He talks about how the word faggot never meant gay to him. This made me research the etymology and history of the word faggot. I found out that the word fag was originally used to describe old or ugly woman. It also is used to describe a young school boy in England behaving like a servant for a upperclassman. Along with that it was used to describe a bundle of sticks and cigarettes as well. The homophobic connotation is considered to be an american thing, that Americans do... I also found pictures of all the crazy church people who write "god hates fags" on their signs. In response I drew a picture of an old woman carry sticks and smoking a cigarette, the things god hates the most.
93-115-reading 5
"Language, for the Hebrews, was becoming a purely human gift, a human power"-101
"Some historians and philosophers have concluded that the Jewish and Christian traditions, with their other-worldly god, are primarily responsible for civilization's negligent attitude toward the environing earth."-94
115-135-reading 6
"touch and proprioception(inner-body sensations), and unlike the chemical sense of taste and smell, seeing and hearing regularly place us in contact with things and events"
181-191-reading 9
"What we call time...could not be isolated from the Hopi experience of space"-191
"Indeed, all truly meaningful speech is inherently creative, using established words in ways they have never quite been used before, and thus altering, ever so slightly, the whole webwork of the language."- Page84
When I initially read this passage the very first thing it reminded me of the word fag and a bit that Luis CK did. He talks about how the word faggot never meant gay to him. This made me research the etymology and history of the word faggot. I found out that the word fag was originally used to describe old or ugly woman. It also is used to describe a young school boy in England behaving like a servant for a upperclassman. Along with that it was used to describe a bundle of sticks and cigarettes as well. The homophobic connotation is considered to be an american thing, that Americans do... I also found pictures of all the crazy church people who write "god hates fags" on their signs. In response I drew a picture of an old woman carry sticks and smoking a cigarette, the things god hates the most.
From west-borough baptist church |
93-115-reading 5
"Language, for the Hebrews, was becoming a purely human gift, a human power"-101
"Some historians and philosophers have concluded that the Jewish and Christian traditions, with their other-worldly god, are primarily responsible for civilization's negligent attitude toward the environing earth."-94
115-135-reading 6
"touch and proprioception(inner-body sensations), and unlike the chemical sense of taste and smell, seeing and hearing regularly place us in contact with things and events"
181-191-reading 9
"What we call time...could not be isolated from the Hopi experience of space"-191
In response to this reading, I tracked my my travel. I kept track of distance and time. This was an exploration of the time and space that I occupy. I wanted to explore the nature of 'a moment'